Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

Here at the Water District, we get asked a lot of questions.  So we thought each Tuesday, we would take a few that get asked a lot and answer them here on the blog.  Some are more serious than others, but we will try to cover them all!

Q. Who runs the Pine Cove Water District anyway?

A. The Water District is run by a 5 member Board of Directors.  They make all the decisions here at the Water District.  Our current board members are Tom McCullough, Board President, Mike Esnard, Vice President, Lou Padula, Secretary/Treasure, Joel Palmer and Dan Fandrich.  Their pictures are posted on the right hand side of the blog.  The board members are elected and have to reside here in Pine Cove.  They are your friends and neighbors.  Any registered voter who resides in Pine Cove,  can choose to run for a board position when there is an opening. 

Jerry Holldber is the General Manager of the Water District and oversees the day to day operations of the Water District and reports to the board.  He can make recommendations to the board on any given situation, but has to abide by their decisions. 

Many people mistakenly think that Jerry is calling all the shots, but that is not how it works at all.  We would invite everyone to attend our monthly board meetings to see just how the district is run.  Becky Smith, our Office Manager, serves as the Board Secretary and is responsible for posting the agendas and typing up the minutes of the meetings.  She also makes them available via our website at www.pcwd.org

Q.  When are your board meetings?  I never know when you are having one.

A.  Our board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 10 a.m. in the board room at the Water District Office.  They are open to the public and everyone is invited to attend.  The agenda for the meeting is posted the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting.  The Brown Act requires a public agency to post their agendas 72 hours prior to the meetings, so we go ahead and post it on Friday afternoon which gives everyone well over 4 days notice.

Q.  Where is your office located? 

A.  We are located at 24917 Marion Ridge Rd.  We are right off of Highway 243 and right next to the Fire Station.  If you are coming up from Idyllwild, you would turn right onto Marion Ridge and if you are coming up from the Banning side, you would turn left onto Marion Ridge. 

Q.  Who is the dog in your ads?

A.  His name is Stitch and he belongs to Art and Kirsten Torrez, who are kind enough to let him frequently hang around with Jerry.

Q.  Do you still have the free wood chips?

A.  Yes, come and help yourself!

I think that is enough for one post.  I will post more next Tuesday.  If you have a question that you don't see get answered here, please feel free to email us at info@pcwd.org and you can put question for Vicki in the subject area.  In the mean time, check back each Tuesday to get the answers to the most commonly asked questions here at the Pine Cove Water District.

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