Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Morning!

Happy Monday!  Wasn't this weekend the best?  The most beautiful weather ever.  This is the type of weekend that makes the long wait through winter worthwhile.   I flung all my doors and windows wide open and enjoyed every single minute of the warm weather and light breeze.  I hung freshly washed clothes out on the line to dry, our cars got cleaned and the veggie garden got put into shape for this years planting.  Our dogs enjoyed long walks, windows and screens got washed and it felt incredibly good to just go outside and feel the sun on my face again.  It couldn't have been any more perfect in my opinion.

So I am hoping that this is it.  That spring is really here this time and that the winter of 2010/2011 is over.  It has been a good one, but as we head towards the end of April, I am ready for it to be over, as I think everyone is.  If you celebrate Easter, I hope you all have a very pleasant holiday week.

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