Monday, April 11, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

Since I will be in a meeting most of tomorrow, I decided to post Tuesday's FAQ's a day early.  So here are the answers to more burning questions about the water district.

Q.  How much do the board members get paid?

A.  The board members get paid $50 for each meeting they attend. 

Q.  Are we still in Stage I conservation?

A.  Yes, we currently are still in Stage I. We will advise our customers if and when that should change.  However, even if we do come out of Stage I, it will still be a good idea to conserve as much as possible.

Q.  We have had a lot of snow, so why are we still in Stage I?

A.  First of all, it takes more than one wet winter to determine if the drought is truly over or not.  The amount of snow on the ground is not always indicative of how much is actually going back into the water table.  There are many different factors that need to be looked at prior to declaring the drought is over. 

Q.  Why do you want my email address?

A.  Since most people today communicate by email, it is quicker and  easier to contact people via email should an emergency arise, such as the one in January when there were many leaks around the district.  We are not going to be bombarding you with junk emails or selling your information to anyone.  We will only contact you via email if absolutely necessary.

Q.  Do you add fluoride to the water?

A.  No.  The only fluoride in our water is the fluoride that occurs naturally.

OK, that is enough for today.  More next Tuesday.

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