Wednesday, April 20, 2011

California Native Plant Week

California has established a California Native Plant Week beginning April 17 -23, 2011.  So this is California Native Plant Week.  Who knew?  Now we all do!  This is from the press release of Sept. 2, 2010.

CNPS Contact: Greg Suba 916-447-2677 x-206
(September 2 - Sacramento, CA) - The California State Assembly and Senate have approved
Resolution ACR 173 (Evans) establishing California Native Plant Week, beginning April 17-23, 2011.
This measure proclaims the 3rd week of April, each year, as California Native Plant Week and
encourages community groups, schools, and citizens to undertake appropriate activities to promote
the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of California's native plants.
The resolution (ACR 173) was introduced by Assemblywoman Noreen Evans (D – Napa), was
sponsored by the California Native Plant Society, and garnered the support of horticulturalists,
conservation organizations, and nurseries throughout California.
ACR 173 recognizes the vital historical, artistic, and economic contributions California’s native plants
have made to our State, and points out that California native plant gardening and landscaping have
tremendous positive impacts to our watersheds, to habitat recovery, and to curbing catastrophic
wildfires. In particular, the resolution recognizes that home landscaping and gardening with native
plants can cut residential water use from 60 to 90% over conventional gardening.
The California Native Plant Society is a non-profit 501c3 organization whose mission is to conserve
California’s native plants and their natural habitats, and increase understanding, appreciation, and
horticultural use of native plants. Formed in 1965, CNPS has nearly 10,000 members and 33
chapters with expertise on native flora located across the state.

So now you know!

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