Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Customer Appreciation Day

Hopefully everyone had a fun filled Memorial Day Weekend. It seemed there was lots to do from yard sales to BBQs. The weather was beautiful so no matter what activities you chose to participate in, it should have been enjoyable!

Now that it is June 1st, it is time to remind you about our annual Customer Appreciation Day, complete with a BBQ lunch. It will be held at Dutch Flats again this year and all Pine Cove residents are welcome to come. It is a wonderful opportunity to come out and meet some fellow Pine Covers, have a wonderful lunch and find out what is going on with the water distict.

The BBQ will start right after the Pine Cove Property Owners Association meeting. Jerry Holldber, General Manager of the Pine Cove Water District will be giving a talk at the PCPOA meeting, so you might want to attend the meeting first and then head on over to Dutch Flats for lunch. Jerry and Stitch will be holding court at Dutch Flats and will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding the water district.

Due to their immense popularity, we will again be serving tri tip sandwiches. We will also have homemade salads and some desserts available. You don't want to be late because last year there wasn't a single bite of tri tip left. So make sure you get there early and get yours. You can enjoy the beautiful setting at Dutch Flats, tour the aeration plant or just enjoy having lunch in the great outdoors under the trees. Hope to see you there!

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