Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pets and Heat

It seems we are having a bit of a heat wave this week.  Whew!  Can't wait until it is over, but in the mean time, we have to all try to stay as cool as possible.  Since so many of our customers are also animal owners or animal lovers, it is a good time to remind everyone to be extra diligent with their animals in this heat.

 Please do not leave your pet in the car during this heat wave.  I know many people like to take their dogs with them when they run errands, but if you can't do them early in the morning, then just leave them at home.  It is just too hot to sit in a car, even with all the windows down.  Your beloved friend will be much more comfortable at home, than in the hot car.

Water.  Make sure your pets have plenty of fresh, clean, cold water to drink.  This is especially important for animals kept outside.  Add ice to it periodically to make it as cold as possible.  It is critically important that they have access to fresh, clean, cool water at all times. Also, be sure to provide shade for them as a resbit from the sun and heat.  We all know it can be many degrees cooler in the shade than in the sun and this is a welcome relief to your animal.  Some animals enjoy a small kiddie pool full of water to cool off in.  If your pet doesn't like to get wet, try this.  Fill a kiddie pool or any container large enough to accommodate your pet, with sand.  Freeze a couple of gallon jugs or large freezer bags full of water and bury them in the sand.  Make sure you put this in the shade and it will provide a cool place for your pet to escape from the heat. 

If your pet isn't an indoor pet and if you have a nice cool garage, it can be a good idea to temporarily put your pet in the garage to make sure they stay nice and cool.  If this isn't an option, then you will need to take a couple extra steps to ensure your pet stays cool and comfortable during this heat wave.

Remember, our pets depend on us for their health, safety and well being.  This heat is hard on them and it doesn't take that much extra effort to make sure they are comfortable and well cared for during this heat wave.

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