Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Musings

What a wonderful, wet weekend we had!  Is there anything better than a summer rain storm? Not in my book.   As I left the office on Friday, it was just starting to rain.  Saturday brought a downpour and Sunday brought another nice shower.  I had to go to the beach all day on Saturday, so I missed Saturday's storm, but as we arrived back up on the hill, we could feel the coolness in the air as well as smell the rain.  It was wonderful!  It almost makes it worth going off the hill just so you can come back and have that feeling of relief at being back on the hill.  I think going off the hill makes me appreciate being able to live on the hill a lot more.  After time away, is there anything nicer than coming around the corner in and seeing and smelling Idyllwild?  Of course if you are coming up the Banning side, it is seeing the Pine Cove sign.  It is almost as if every muscle in your body suddenly relaxes at that point and you realize, I'm home.  I have always told my husband that I would rather live in a tent in Pine Cove, than in a million dollar home off the hill.  I just hope he doesn't take me literally!

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