Friday, January 6, 2012

Hold on to Your Hats!

It looks like this nice spell of unusually warm winter weather is going to continue for another week!  However, the winds are going to be back this weekend.  While I am not fond of the wind as I consider it very scary and dangerous, think tree branches falling onto house roofs and fires, I guess it is easier than shoveling out after a big snow storm. 

If you are planning to come up the hill this weekend, there should be no problems other than the possibility of the high winds.  The days have been warm and sunny and perfect really.  The nights are cool, crisp and clear.  The full moon has been just beautiful against the pristine, star studded sky.  So come on up while the weather is good and enjoy these unusually warm January temperatures.  Hopefully we will return to winter soon complete with lots of moisture.   

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