Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012

Here we are in the new year!  Can't help but wonder what the year has in store for us all here in Pine Cove this year.  Many good things I hope.

Speaking of good things, the weather is currently one of them.  It has been fabulous for this time of year.  I am feeling like I don't want winter to return.  The living is too easy when the weather is this good in late December and January.  No shoveling, no freezing temps, low heat bills and cool evenings for perfect sleeping. 

However, on the water side of things, this isn't the best scenario, so hopefully there are lots of winter storms to come so we get that snow pack that helps keep the water table up.  It is so easy to get complacent about our water supply when there is a lot of it.  While we are not in a conservation stage currently, it is very helpful if everyone continues their conservation efforts as if we were in one, because you just never know.

Drought is always looming on the horizon and we are never out of the woods, water wise.  Simply put, the less we use the more we leave in the ground for future use.  As we begin the new year, one of my goals here at the water district is to do more research and post more information about rain water harvesting.

While this sometimes seems like a daunting task and granted, it is difficult for some people to put a large water tank in their yard, saving rain water is a great way to acquire water for outdoor irrigation and certain indoor uses, such as washing cloths or flushing toilets.  We won't delve into systems that provide potable water at this time.  For now, I will focus on some basics and explore other things we can do in our yards to keep the moisture that does come, in our yards and not running down the street.

Rain water harvesting isn't only about sticking a barrel under your rain spouting.  There are other things you can do in your garden and yard to help water stick around.  By making the most of what we do get, we can decrease our need for irrigation and so we will be exploring those options as well.

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