Friday, January 27, 2012

New Totals!

Wow, we hit 14,000 blog hits on Wednesday, January18th.  This is great.  It is our hope here at the water district that we can provide our customers with lots of information and keep them updated on what is happening at the water district and a little bit of what is going on in Pine Cove in general, especially if it is something like a fire that could impact all of us.

We have lots of links to to sites you might find useful.  Just scroll down the left side of the blog and you will see them.  If you know of a site that you think might be useful to the residents of Pine Cove and it isn't listed on the blog, feel free to drop me a note and I will check it out.  If it is something that could be useful, then I will add it to my list.

One person suggested we post a little more about the weather conditions and snow accumulation for those who are off the hill and are contemplating coming up to their mountain home.  I have been trying to do that.  Obviously, if I am not saying anything about the weather, there is nothing much going on.  While we aren't a weather reporting agency, we can at least let people know if the roads have been plowed or how much snow we have received.

What we cannot do is tell you how big the snow berm is in front of your house or if your driveway needs plowed.  But we will pass along as much info as possible during and shortly after a storm so you can make an informed decision about when to drive up here.  Remember, if the weather is bad, think twice about driving up the mountain.  There is no sense driving  in a winter storm unless you absolutely have to.   People don't always realize just how bad the roads can be and with each storm, comes a rash of accidents.   In my book, it is better to be safe than sorry. 

And as always, if you have any suggestions for improving the blog, just let us know and we will take your ideas into consideration.  We hope the blog has been a useful and informative tool for everyone here in Pine Cove.

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