Monday, March 5, 2012

Rain Barrels

As part of our water conservation program, we are considering making rain barrels available at our cost.  We are trying to gage interest in a program such as this.  If this is something that would interest you, please leave a comment here or give Vick or Becky a call at 951-659-2675 and tell us you would be interested.  Or you could drop us an email at  or Becky@pcwd.orgRemember,  this is not a commitment  to purchase a rain barrel.    We are just trying to find out if there is enough interest in a program such as this or not.  We think they are an excellent value for the money and are very nice looking as well.  You can see an example of the barrels

So let us know what you think.  If there is enough interest, we would be willing to be the middle man and make these available at our cost, which would be substantially less than the retail price.

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