Monday, August 2, 2010


Just a quick reminder that water bills will be hitting the mail on Tuesday, Aug. 3. You should have yours by the 4th or the 5th. If you do not receive your water bill, please call Becky at 951-659-2675 and she can tell you what the amount of your bill is. You can also stop into the office at 24917 Marion Ridge to request a copy of your bill.

It has come to our attention lately that some landlords are not providing their tenants with the water bill. If you are in this situation, please give us a call or stop in. Again, Becky can give you the amount of the bill that is due. You do not have to wait for your landlord to give you the bill in order to pay it. Bills sent out this week are due on Aug. 25th. Not receiving a bill does not absolve you from the responsibility you have to pay it. The water district cannot be held responsible for what the post office or property owners do or don't do. Bills that are paid past the due date are subject to a late fee.

If you have any questions at all, please call us. We are happy to help with any questions you have regarding your water service, water bill, etc. Remember that we bill only on the even months, so the next billing will not be until Oct.

We are now accepting credit cards for those who prefer to pay their bills that way. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover cards at this time. You may do this in person at the district office, or via the phone. We hope this service is helpful.

Remember to check this blog regularly for information and updates regarding the water district as well has helpful articles and tips on a variety of subjects such as gardening, water conservation or just happenings here in Pine Cove. You can also check our website at for more information on the board meetings, our weather station, billing procedures and so on.

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