Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lemon Lilies

Yesterday I had the pleasure of going out to the Highway 243 well property to disperse the lemon lily seeds from the pods that were open and full of seeds.  I don't know if we will get any new lilies next year or not, but I made a good try at putting the seeds in spots where they would have a good chance to germinate.  Apparently lemon lilies don't have a high germination rate, but we will see what happens.  Perhaps Mother Nature will smile upon us and a few seeds will actually develop into lilies. 

I was amazed at how many seeds are in each pod.  They were also a beautiful honey yellow color and were stacked very neatly inside the pods.  They just poured right out of the pod.  Very cool.  So we will see how it all works out.  Keep your fingers crossed.

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