Friday, September 23, 2011

Frugal Friday

Today is the first day of autumn.  That means summer is over and the gardening season is winding down quickly.  I am always amazed at how fast the vegetable garden goes from lush abundance to looking like it's better days are long gone.  It seems to happen over night.  The good news is the tomatoes are ripening by the dozens and that means all sorts of yummy things like tomato pie, BLT's and of course fresh, homegrown tomatoes adding to just about everything I make from salads to pizzas. 

I have also been sharing my bounty.  I think as gardeners, we love sharing what we have grown with others.  They always seem so appreciative and it makes me happy that someone else will enjoy what I labored all summer to grow.  I should can some tomatoes, but I don't know if I will get around to it or not.  Right now I am enjoying taking bags of tomatoes to unsuspecting neighbors and watching their faces light up!

Hope your garden was bountiful and that your autumn will be too!

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