Thursday, April 22, 2010

Snow again?

Well folks, just when you thought it was safe to get out your gardening tools, guess what? Yep, that's right. Last night brought us a foot of fresh powder. While this little surprise that Mother Nature sent to us seems like cruel and unusual punishment, try to look on the bright side. It is more moisture for our beloved hill! This is a very good thing. As you look out your window and your poor plants and trees bent over from the snow load just think about all that wonderful moisture percolating down into the water table and hopefully that will help you to get through this latest bought with Old Man Winter.

I know, I know, I am anxious to get working out in the garden as well, but after living here for 15 years now, I have learned to control my urge to plant until at least Mother's Day. I try to console myself by looking at seed and plant catalogs and gardens online, all the while plotting and planning what I am going to do to mine once the weather breaks. On the bright side, this type of weather prevents me from going out to the nursery and spending a lot of money. So in some ways it is a good thing.

Keep up the good work conserving water and remember that we still have our rebate program going on. Remember to stop by for your free bluebird house as well. If your coming up the hill, the roads are pretty clear, but please check on chain requirements prior to leaving.

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