Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day

This year February has 29 days.  So instead of March coming in like a lion or a lamb today, we will have to wait until tomorrow.  As for today, the sun is peeking through the clouds.  The roads are in good shape and most are clear with the exception of a  few icy patches where the run off from melting snow froze overnight.  Highway 243 is in excellent shape and there should be no problem with leaving the mountain or coming back up.

Tonight will provide another chance of snow or rain so it looks like March might come in like a lion.  After that it is clear skies for several days.  It  should be a great week end to come and play in the snow,  if there is any left by then. 

There are still some pretty good berms along some driveways, so if you haven't been up recently, be prepared to shovel the berm out.  Or you could just wait it out and let Mother Nature melt it for you.

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