Friday, February 3, 2012

February Billing

The February billing went out yesterday.  These bills are for December and January's water usage.  Please read the literature that is enclosed with your bill.  You will notice a $3 increase in the Minimum Advance Billing.  It has gone up to $25 per month or $50 each billing cycle of which there are 6.  The new water rate schedule is in with your bill and included with that is our Non Avoidance of Minimum Billing Policy set forth by our Board of Directors.

It states:  Minimum Advance Billing and payment thereof is used for administrative expenses, minimum maintenance and fixed funding charges of the District and may not be avoided by seasonal disconnection of service with subsequent reconnection.  All meters, active or inactive, will be billed advance minimum charges every two months.

This seems to be an issue that arises with each  billing cycle, so we are enclosing the policy with the billings.  It is always available in the office as well.  There are no exceptions to this policy.  The Pine Cove Water District Board of Directors set this policy and the employees of the water district employees are required to follow it.  If you have any questions about this policy you may call the office at 951-659-2675. 

On the flip side of the Water Rate Schedule is an article on the Pine Cove Water District Pipeline Replacement Program.  This article will explain why an increase is necessary and what we are doing to maintain and update our infrastructure.  Lots of interesting reading with this billing!

Remember, the February bills are due by February 25th.  Not receiving your bill does not relieve you of the responsibility to pay it.  We cannot help what the post office does with the bills once we hand them over.  If you haven't received your bill by next week, you can call and find out how much you owe.  Either Becky or Vicki would be happy to look your account up for you.

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