Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Almost 3,000 hits!

As you can see, we are closing in on 3,000 hits on our blog! Wow, that is fabulous. We started the blog as a way to communicate with all the Pine Cove Water District customers. We are now getting hits from all over the world and that is very interesting.

We try to keep the blog interesting without getting to far off the main topic, which is water. Of course we are always interested in things like the weather and other happenings that affect life here in Pine Cove. We also like to post about things that we think people will find interesting, educational, helpful or informative.

We noticed we get lots of calls from people who live off the hill and need to know about road conditions and other happenings prior to coming up. So if you look in the sidebar of the blog, you will find lots of helpful links to many things here in the area such as the local paper, weather conditions, road closures and even inns.

So come in and look around. If you have any comments, plese feel free to post them. We love getting feedback from everyone who visits here.

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