Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

Just a reminder that the water district office will be closed tomorrow, January 31, 2010. We will be back in the office Monday morning at 9 am as per usual. We can still be reached in case of an emergency by calling 951-294-8282.

The sun is shining today, but it is bitterly cold out and all the rain and snow from yesterday is ice today. Highway 243 is fairly clear, but there are some patches of black ice, so be extra cautious if you will be out driving. The side roads may or may not be as clear.

The weather station up at the Rocky Point tank site has registered a whopping 11.61 inches of rain for the month of December. Wow, winter is off to a wet start. I don't know what the rest of the winter will be like, but hopefully it will continue to be wet.

It is hard to imagine in weather like this, but we are still in Stage One conservation. The drought is not over, so diligence with regards to water use is still a good idea. Conserving water should be a year round habit. The more we save now, the more we will have for later. And since we never know what Mother Nature is going to hand us, it is best to err on the side of caution and keep conserving.

So this will be my last post for the year 2010. I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope you find some helpful tips or information on it. I will continue the blog in 2011 and I hope that more of our customers will let us know their thoughts and opinions. We thank you for supporting us thus far.

Don't forget to check out the Water District's Website for minutes from the board meetings, rates, billing information and the webcam. Lots of information to be had there.

We hope all of our customers and visitors here in Pine Cove have a very happy, healthy and wet 2011. Happy New Year to everyone from the staff of the Pine Cove Water District.

Jerry H., Becky, Vicki, Jerry J., Jeremy and Stitch

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