Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's Snowing!

Well just in case there is anyone out there who hasn't looked out their window yet, it is snowing.

I have read several weather reports and frankly, I think they are way off base. One said 1/2" accumulation possible. I am not believing that because between 7:30 am and 8:30 am, I had to shovel off my deck and side walk twice. I cleaned off my car around 8:30 to come to work and by 8:45, it was covered again. So it is safe to say that weather forecast is out the window.

The next one I read said 3 to 8 inches and called for snow levels to drop to 4,000 feet later today. There was already snow in Mountain Center by 8 am this morning, so I think that one is wrong as well.

As for the total amount of snow we are going to get, I don't know. It seems to be coming down pretty fast and steady, so I can see us getting the full 8 inches with no problem. My personal opinion is that we are going to get more snow than they are predicting and the snow levels will be lower much sooner than they predicted. But what do I know?

This is a good time to remind you to turn off your water at your customer valve if you are leaving your mountain home. Also make sure your outside hoses are disconnected. Once you turn off your water at your customer valve, it is a good idea to go back inside and turn your faucets on to remove any standing water in the pipes. Be sure to turn them off again once they have drained out. This prevents the water from flying out of the faucets when you turn the water back on. Turning off your water is the easiest way to prevent water loss from frozen or broken pipes.

While the snow is beautiful, please be mindful of any pets you have outside. Be sure to provide them with a warm, dry shelter so they can get out of the snow. Warm water is especially appreciated during these cold days.

If you have to go out on the roads, be extremely careful. When I came in at 9 am, the side roads had not been plowed and Highway 243 was getting covered over again. It is best to just stay put if possible. There are not many things worth risking your life for.

To all our customers, stay warm, stay safe and enjoy this beautiful snow!

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