Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday Musings

Hope you all made it through our wet weekend safe and dry. As we start the week, we are experiencing our 4th day of rain. I don't recall getting this much rain at one time in the 15 years I have lived up here. It will be interesting to see what the final totals are once this storm moves out of the area. I know many records in other areas are being broken left and right. As of right now, our weather station says we have received 9.53 inches in the month of December. Can you imagine if all this rain was snow?

We hope you are all staying warm and dry. Use caution if you are going to be out on the road. I know this is a busy time with Christmas fast approaching. People will be off to visit relatives, shopping or driving up here to spend the holidays on the hill.

Please make sure your outdoor pets have shelter to get in out of this rain. Provide them with some nice warm, dry bedding as well. It is up to us to take good care of our 4 legged companions.

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