Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Office Hours

Just a reminder that the office will be closed on Friday, December 24th and on Monday, December 27th, and on Friday, December 31st. We can still be reached in case of emergency by calling 951-294-8282.

Everyone here at the Pine Cove Water District hopes that each one of you has a very joyous, happy & safe holiday season and a happy and healthy 2011!

Jerry, Becky, Vicki, Jerry, Jeremy and Stitch


Marina Filgueira said...

Hi I'm Marina and I wish you a healthy and happy Christmas and a prosperous 2011. To all of you. Jerry, Becky, Jeremy and Vicki Stich. From Spain Galicia. A hug and happy holidays.

Hola soy Marina y os deseo unas saludables y felices fiestas navideñas y un próspero 2011. A todos vosotros. Jerry, Becky, Vicki Jeremy y Stich.

Desde España Galicia. Un abrazo y felices vacaciones

Pine Cove Water District said...

Hi Marina. Thank you very much. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well.

PCWD staff