Wednesday, November 16, 2011

More snow on the way!

Well folks, it seems as if winter is off to an early start.  Just as the snow melts away from the last storm, another one is on the way.  I was so hoping for a longer autumn.  However, the snow is good for the water shed, so I guess we cannot complain because we certainly don't want to get back into drought conditions.  But when autumn is your favorite season, it seems a shame to have it cut short.

As a reminder, please turn your water off at your customer valve anytime you leave your mountain home.  It is the single most important thing you can do to prevent a leak or a frozen or broken pipe. 

Each winter, several of our customers face high water bills and damage to their homes due to pipes freezing and breaking and leaks going undetected.  If your water is turned off, you can avoid all of these problems.  Turning your water off at your customer valve is quick and easy.  If you do not know how to do it or if you are unsure where your customer valve is, give us a call.  We will be more than happy to come out during normal business hours and show you where your customer valve is and how to turn it off. 

Remember, it is like the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"  Another incentive for turning your water off when you leave is the fact that should you develop a leak, you will be responsible for paying for all the water that runs through your meter.  People seem to think that when they have a leak,  their water bill will be forgiven or reduced.  However, that is not the case.  Each homeowner is responsible for paying for all the water that runs through their water meter.  While we can work with you to make a payment plan should you find yourself in this situation, we cannot just forgive the bill.  We don't want to see any of our customers in this situation, so take a minute and turn your water off when leaving. 

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