Monday, November 7, 2011

What the heck?

OK, who ordered all this snow?  Not me, that is for sure.  I am not ready for winter.  I was highly enjoying our brief autumn season.  Some of the trees hadn't even turned colors yet and now they are flopped over heavy with snow.  That is the funny thing about living here in the mountains.  The seasons can sure trick you.  So ready or not, here we are with a pile of snow to contend with and it is only early November. 

Last night was quite the show as well with the thunder and lightening.  I always find that strange to have thunder and lightening with snow.  I am not sure why, but I think it is weird.  Snow fall always seems to be a quiet type of weather.  So many times when it is snowing up here, it is so very quiet.  I love that.  No cars on the road, no snow plows noisily flying down the road.  The animals all seem to have disappeared, hopefully taking shelter somewhere dry.  The world just seems to go to sleep while the snow silently falls.  Thunder and lightening is not part of my snow picture and I find it somewhat unsettling.

The snow also presents a challenge if you have animals that you keep outside.   Please be sure to give them fresh warm water, clean, dry, fresh food and make sure they have a shelter out of the wind, rain and snow.  Remember, they can't self cater and rely upon us for their needs.  If you take on the responsibility of an animal, please be a responsible owner and see to their needs.

Also use caution when driving because as we all know, the roads here can be treacherous and many times it isn't the road conditions so much as the other drivers on the road.  Beware of people who don't know how to drive in the snow.  I have had many near misses due to inexperienced drivers coming up to the mountains  unprepared.  Go slow and leave a large distance between you and the cars in front of you.  As always, if you don't have to go out, then don't.  No sense risking life and limb for something that can wait until another day. 

So stay warm, stay dry and stay safe.  Hopefully it will warm up and most of this snow will melt away and autumn will come back and give us a few weeks before we settle into winter for good.  I am so not ready for winter.

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