Monday, November 7, 2011

Turn Off Your Water

Well folks, it is time once again to remind everyone to...

Turn off your water at your customer valve when you leave you mountain home.

Every winter people experience leaks, broken and frozen pipes and a lot of it can be prevented by one simple act.  We cannot emphasize this strongly enough.  When you leave your mountain, take a minute and turn you water off at your customer valve.  It is that easy and that simple and will save you a world of headaches, not to mention money. 

If you develop a leak or a break on your side of the meter, you will be responsible for all the water that runs through your meter and this can add up to quite a large water bill depending on the size of the break or leak and the length of time it runs.   Many people are under the misconception that if they have a leak, they do not have to pay for the water used.  This is incorrect.  If the water runs through your meter, no matter the reason, the home owner is responsible for paying for that water.  I am not sure why people think they don't have to pay for the water when they have a leak, but every time someone has a leak, we hear over and over again that they thought they didn't have to pay for the water lost. 

So please, do yourself a favor.  Just turn off your water when you leave.  That way when you come back to visit your mountain home, you won't be hit with any unpleasant surprises or bills.

If you do not know where your customer valve is or how to turn it off, please give us a call at 951-659-2675.  We would be happy to come out during regular business hours and show you where it is and how to turn it off.  It is way better to be safe than sorry and no one wants to deal with broken, frozen pipes or leaks when they come up to visit they mountain home.

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