Tuesday, January 18, 2011


We're back! Hope you had a great Martin Luther King Day. The weather this weekend has been absolutely spectacular. If this past weekend doesn't give you spring fever, then nothing will. It certainly doesn't feel like January out there. Most of the snow has melted and the sun has been shining. Quite the contrast to the 6 straight days of rain we had back in December. The swings in the weather are just amazing.

When I left the office on Friday afternoon, we had over 3900 hits to the blog and I was hoping we would hit the 4000 mark by the time I got back this morning. I was right. We have now had 4,073 hits to the blog! Wow, that is outstanding. We are very hopeful that this blog provides much needed information and perhaps a little entertainment and enlightenment to those viewing it. Please check it often to see what is happening here at the water district and around Pine Cove.

As always, I appreciate input from those reading here. If there is a topic you would like to see discussed, let me know. You can always email me at pcwd2675@yahoo.com and let me know what is on your mind. We try to keep things on the light side here with what is relevant to Pine Cove, green living, conservation, both inside and outside, and gardening. Much of the water use here on the hill revolves around those topics and so we try to provide information that is relative to those issues.

And don't forget to send your pictures. We love pictures here at the water district and are interested in what is happening around Pine Cove. Our goal in this new year is to get more pictures up on the blog. Is there something you are intersted in seeing from the water district? Let me know and I will try to get a picture of it posted. I posted some very pretty shots that were taken from the Rocky Point tank site, included a picture of the weather station.

We also wanted to thank everyone with their help with the recent leaks. We sent out an email to those who have left email addresses with us, to notify everyone of the high water usage that was occuring and to alert them that there were leaks somewhere. While some people took the email the wrong way and sent back messages that really had nothing to do with the leak situation, most took it seriously and many of you contacted us to check on your mountain home. It is like the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

It is very important that we stay vigilant. Our water is precious and to see thousands of gallons of it wasted due to water not being turned off is such a shame. Lets try to prevent these types of situations in the future. And we hope that if we are ever in the position to send out an email alert again, that it will be taken seriously.


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