Friday, January 21, 2011

New Billing Look

It is almost that time again. We will probably be reading meters on Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st. You will be receiving your bills during the first week in February. They will have a new look this time. Instead of the postcard bills that we normally send out, we will be sending paper bills in envelopes. Hopefully this will end the "I never got my bill" problem that we hear about each time we do a billing. Apparently, they get stuck in magazines or get lost quite a bit. So in order to solve this problem, we are switching to a paper bill placed inside a business sized envelope.

We wanted everyone to be aware of the new style so you don't accidentally throw them away. They will also say "Billing Enclosed" on the front so they won't be mistaken for some sort of junk mail. We hope this will solve an ongoing problem and make it easier for those whose bills are getting waylaid in the mail.

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