Friday, January 14, 2011

End of week

We made it through another week! The weather has been superb, which makes life much easier, however, we still want everyone to be vigilant about turning their water off when they leave their mountain home. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind with temperatures freezing and then thawing, which led to several leaks around the Pine Cove area. Two were very substantial leaks and were found by Pine Cove water district employees. The "boys", Jerry & Jeremy, spent quite a bit of time out and about checking part-time homes for leaks.

Many part-timers called or emailed us in response to our email and had us go check their homes. We are very pleased with the response we received because this is the first time we have sent out a bulk email like this. We are hoping this becomes an effective way to communicate when we have a situation such as we did the past two weeks. If you have not given us your email address and would like to do so, please email Becky at or you can call us at the office. Our number is 951-659-2675 and you can talk to either Becky or Vicki and we will be happy to add you to our email list. We feel this was a very effective and efficient way to contact our customers to let them know there was a problem.

We cannot emphasize this enough. Please turn off your water at your customer valve when you leave your mountain home. This single act takes just a couple of minutes and can save you from a world of problems. Why not take this simple step and prevent a problem before it occurs? It is important to remember that customers are responsible for all the water that runs through their meter, no matter the reason.

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