Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Musings

Monday again. How fast they seem to come around. While the weekend wasn't all that warm, it was nice to have a break from the snow and rain. This week is calling for fairly clear weather. I am personally hoping that the snow we have gets to melt off before we get more. We are off to a good start with moisture. I hope it continues through the rest of the winter. However, I am hoping that we do have a nice spring this year as I don't prefer snow in May like we had last year. Unfortunately, the weather rarely seems to take my wishes into consideration.

Once the holidays are over and we get into January, it is hard not to start to look forward to the nicer weather here on the hill and planning for the garden. We still have free bark chips that make excellent mulch if you are in need of mulch. It is an excellent way to help your trees and plants retain moisture. It also slowly decomposes, adding important nutrient rich compost to your soil and you don't have to do a thing. So stop on by and pick some up

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