Monday, January 24, 2011

Meter Reading

Next Monday, January 31st, the boys, Jerry J. and Jeremy, will be out and about reading meters. If you have a leak that has not yet been detected, this should alert us to it. As usual, Becky will call any customer who has an unusal increase in their water consumption. We have been diligently looking for leaks all month long, but sometimes they are not visible or even outside. Once the meter is read, then we can see how much water was used at each household and notify those who we feel might have a leak.

For those who are not full time residents here, now might be a good time to come up and check on your mountain home. The weather is absolutely gorgeous, the snow has melted and you could get a good look around your property. If you haven't turned your water off at your customer valve, now would be the perfect time to do it.

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