Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Other Blogs

As promised, I am posting a link to another water blog. Some are more serious than others, some are global and some will be dealing only with California or the western states. It is your choice if you wish to read them or not. Water is an extremely large topic and there are a variety of blogs and websites out there discussing the subject if one takes the time to do a little searching.

Water Crunch

Our blog here at PCWD, is meant to be a local blog to keep our customers informed of what is happening at the district and sometimes around Pine Cove. It is not meant to be a serious commentary on the status of the water supply of the world. Obviously, if you live in Pine Cove, you are concerned with the water issues of Pine Cove, which we will discuss here. However, as with everything these days, our world is now global and being aware of water situations in other states and countries isn't a bad thing.

Water, or the lack there of, will have a great impact on the world in the future, so it could be pertinent to keep abreast of what is going on. Obviously Pine Cove does not face the same water issues as other places. We are perhaps, better off than some and maybe not as well off as others. We do need to be careful with our water use and it is our job here at the District to keep everyone informed of what our water situation is so that each person in the District is aware of what is happening.

It is always a good idea to come to our monthly board meetings as they are a great source of information. They are open to the public and held at 10 am on the second Wednesday of each month. If you are unable to attend, the minutes can always be found here at our website. Being informed will help our customers plan water usage and conserve water when possible. By reading about what is going on world wide, it makes a person realize how incredibly lucky we are here in Pine Cove to be able to turn on a faucet and get such wonderful tasting, fresh, clean water. Hopefully we will keep this in mind when choosing how to use our water.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these other blogs

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