Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Musings

Hello everyone! Hope you all made it to the new year warm, safe, dry, happy and healthy. With the holidays over, it is back to business as usual. It is easy to get spoiled during the holidays with all the time off, good food and festivities. But I guess all good things must come to an end. So here we are back at our desks renewed and refreshed, and rarin' to go Hope you are all feeling renewed as we start 2011.

As you can all see, we got more snow! It started yesterday afternoon and was coming down pretty good this morning. Did anyone feel the earthquake this morning? According to Cal Tech, it was a 3.4 magnitude that hit at 3:38 am this morning and was centered 5 miles north of Hemet. I just felt one large jolt that woke me up! Nice way to start the day. Luckily it was over quickly and I went right back to sleep. Becky and Jerry never even felt it.

As for the weather, it isn't too terribly cold out, so getting out there and walking is doable. Highway 243 was pretty clear when I came into work and Marion Ridge was plowed. You might want to check the road conditions if you have to drive any distance though. There is a link on the left side of this blog where you can go and check that out!

This is the fun kind of snow. Good for making snowballs and snow men. It is nice and soft and sticks together really well. So, if you are up for a little fun in the snow, enjoy! It is really beautiful out there today.

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