Monday, June 27, 2011


Our spring and summer news letter went out on Friday afternoon.  You will notice that the envelope says billing enclosed.  There is not.  We had to use our metered mail envelopes for the mailing and this is how they come.  So, there is no bill enclosed, just the news letter and our annual Consumer Confidence Report as well as a rate schedule.  It is our hope that you will take the time to read the news letter and the reports as there is a lot of information in both of them.  We try to provide plenty of information to our customers and it is our hope that you will read it and stay informed about the water here in Pine Cove.


Libby said...

I am so impressed with the Summer Newsletter! The new format is beautiful and every single article is informative and interesting. I especially appreciated the info on ollas and intend to figure out a way to sink a few of those myself.

Pine Cove Water District said...

Thank you for the kind words. We try very hard to keep things interesting as well as informative. We really appreciate the feedback.