Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blog Stats

As we get close to 5000 page views, we want to thank everyone who takes the time to come here and read.  If you have any ideas about topics for the blog, we would be interested in hearing what they are.  If they are appropriate for this blog, then I will research them and do a posting on that topic.  We hope we are keeping you informed of what is going on around the water district here in Pine Cove. 

One thing I find very interesting about this blog are the stats.  For those of you who don't have blogs or websites, the stats tell us not only how many people have come to visit the site, but what topics they read, what country they are in, what browser they used and what type of operating system they used. 

In today's stats we have had visitors from Russia, Germany, South Korea, Maylasia, Brazil, Columbia, Greece, Slovenia, France, China and the Netherlands.  Over the course of the time this blog has been up we have also gotten views from the United Kingdom and Poland and Sweden.  It is amazing that our little blog is being read world wide!

Our stats also tell us what browsers our hits are coming from.  We know what percent of our hits come from Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and so on.  We are also able to see what operating systems are being used to view our blogs. We have started getting hits from people using their iPads, iPhones and BlackBerries. 

We can also see what time people viewed our blog in addition to how many have visited.   It is all very interesting and will help us determine what type of posts are the most popular.  We can also see what search words were used to find us and what websites referred us. 

So remember, if there is anything you would like to see discussed, let us know.  And you can still send in your pictures from around Pine Cove and I will post them.

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