Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday Musings on Tuesday

If you recall my post from last Friday, I mentioned that I had seen two weather reports with varying snow amounts predicted.  One was calling for 4 inches and another one said about a foot.  Well, they were both wrong!  About 18 inches actually fell here in Pine Cove.  Wow!  Does the saying when it rains it pours, apply to snow as well?  After several dry weeks this winter, this is a welcome sight.  I hope you were all prepared.  One good thing is that they seemed to get the roads cleaned off very quickly this time.  There didn't seem to be any waiting around for the plow to come down the street.  That was a good thing!

So we will have a few days of sun before the next storm comes through.  They are calling for a possibility of snow this coming weekend.  That will give us a chance to get dug out from this last storm.  I am hoping some of this melts off, otherwise I may not be able to see out of my windows! 

As always, if you have any pictures you would like to see posted here, just email them to me at PCWD2675@yahoo.com and I will post them.  We love to see what is happening around Pine Cove, especially after a big snow.  So don't be shy, send your pictures in.

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