Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Winter Weather Alert

Looks like Old Man Winter is back.   They are calling for snow tomorrow night.  Today is cloudy as the storm begins to arrive.  So it is good we get a little time to prepare.  I haven't heard that it will be a bad storm, but it is always better to be prepared.  Weather reports have been known to be wrong on occasion, so I tend prepare for the worst.

Please remember your animals.  If you have an animal that lives outside, please make sure you have provided for it's needs. Give them  a warm, dry place to get out of the weather and make sure they have fresh food and water.  If it is a dog, try to bring in indoors during the worst of the weather.  And please make sure your pets are secure.  Every time there is a storm, it seems that pets somehow get out and get lost.  We have seen several here at the district walking around in the rain or the snow looking for their homes.  Your dog should never be left to run loose!!  This is dangerous for everyone.  Your dog runs the risk of getting hit by a car or attacked by another animal.  So please, be a responsible pet owner.

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