Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Web Cam

Unfortunately, our web cam seems to be out today.  We aren't sure why.  We had a snafu with the website yesterday and while it is back up and running, there seem to be a couple of glitches and we don't know why.  Becky is checking into this and hopefully it will all be straightened out very soon.

If you are off the hill, it is raining pretty hard up here at the moment and according to the weather station we have received  .16 inches of rain so far today.  This is a nice relief after the recent dry spell.  As always, please be careful when driving in the rain or the snow.  Slow down and allow lots of extra time to get to where you are going.

If you are coming up to visit, please do not drive up in the storm.  Wait until it passes and then come on up.  We would hate to see a fun day turn into a tragedy.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  At this point in time we have no snow, however, we are expecting it later today.  The temperature is currently 37 degrees, so it is still a little too warm to snow just yet. 

We will let you know when the web cam is back up and running and in the mean time we appreciate your patience.

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