Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are you ready?

They are calling for more snow on Friday night.  I don't know if I am ready for more just yet, but ready or not, it will come and I can't do a thing about it.  How about you? Are you ready for more snow so soon after this last storm?   Luckily, my misery is eased by the fact that all this snow will melt into the ground and provide water for a the trees and hopefully our wells, which is a very good thing!

So when I am outside trying to shovel out a path for my little dogs so they don't sink down into the snow and disappear, I try to tell myself I am really watering the pine tree next to the path where I am shoveling.  It doesn't make the shoveling any easier, but it does make it a more satisfying activity knowing that the snow I am piling up on the ground will eventually melt, soak into the ground and go to the tree roots.  Keeping this in mind makes me a little more of an enthusiastic shoveler!  So as this next storm approaches, I will try to keep in mind how much we need the moisture and I will try not to complain, no matter how cold it gets and no matter how high we have to pile up the snow!

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