Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday Musings

Well it is a good thing we got our gardening talk in last week as we are about to get some more snow and rain this week.   I knew it was too early to be spring, but it was fun to talk about gardening projects for a few days anyway.  Hopefully we will get a lot more snow and rain before winter is officially over.  While the bad weather does get tiresome, it is necessary.  Drought is a fact of life here in southern California, and the snow and rain provide us with much needed moisture to get through the dry summers.  Forecasters are sticking to their La Nina predictions,  so we really have to be grateful for whatever rain and snow we do happen to get over the next couple of months. 

Unfortunately, a few nice days or weeks right in the middle of winter, always serves to remind us what we are missing.  For some reason, once the holiday season is over, I tire of winter.  I try not to complain about the weather because it is an exercise in futility.  We can't change it, so why complain about it?  But it is human nature I suppose, to complain when Mother Nature makes being outdoors unpleasant.  So I try to tell myself, come summer, I will be glad we had this weather. 

Winter is hard work though.  Summer is so much easier.  No coats, boots, hats, gloves, scarves or umbrellas are necessary. And all of that is just to go out and clean off the car!    If you are lucky enough to have a garage or car port, count your blessings!  For those of us who have to park our cars alfresco, there is the cleaning off of the car ritual that must take place prior to actually leaving to go anywhere.  It's not like summer when you can just grab your keys and go.  Instead of looking at the snow and thinking how much work it will be to shovel it, I am trying to look at it and think that it is recharging the water wells.  That way it doesn't seem so bad. 

Well water levels are one of the many subjects discussed at our board meetings.  If you want to know what is going on drought wise with the wells,  please feel free to attend one of our monthly board meetings.  Many people aren't familiar with the water district or how or where we get the water from.  The board meetings are very informative and keep everyone up to date on what is happening here at the water district. 

You can also read the minutes from past board meetings on our website ate

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