Tuesday, February 22, 2011

March Board Meeting

Just a quick note to let you know that our next board meeting will be on March 9, 2011 at 10 am.  Everyone is welcome to attend and we would encourage you to try to come to a board meeting if you have never been to one.  I, for one, had no idea how a water district was run, prior to my employment here.  I had the attitude that as long as I could turn on the faucet and got good, clean water, I didn't care how they ran the place.  However, since I have come to work at the water district, I have learned a lot.  It is very interesting how a special district operates and we are lucky enough to live in a country where meetings such as our board meetings, are open to the public.   Why not take advantage of that and come see what goes on?

In case you don't know, we are governed by a Board of Directors.  It is a 5 member board and at least 3 of them have to show up in order for a board  meeting to take place.  Our current board members are:  Tom McCulloough, President, Mike Esnard, Vice President, Lou Padula, Secretary Treasurer, Joel Palmer and Dan Fandrich.  These are all elected positions and they generally serve a 4 year term, although occasionally someone will serve a 2 year term.  They also have to be a resident of Pine Cove.

They Board of Directors sets our policies and we here at the office, have to follow them. Many people mistakenly think that the office manager or the district manager are the ones who make the rules, but that isn't so.  We are lucky that our board members are very thorough and try to see all sides of an issue before making a policy on any given situation.

Please feel free to join us at any of our board meetings and see how our water district works.

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