Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Meter Reading Today

With Sunday's storm, we weren't sure we would be able to read meters, however, the boys got out yesterday and were able to make a start on it.  They will be out today as well, although this morning is a little challenging, since things are frozen over.  Hopefully, every thing will thaw out in short order this morning and we are not expecting any further problems.

Bills will be sent out later this week and will be in the new format.  We hope everyone likes the new billing style and finds them easier to deal with than the old postcard style bills.  We are anxious to hear your feed back on this. 

There is still a possibility of leaks that have not been detected.  If we notice any unusual water use on any one's account, Becky will be calling to notify the property owner.  Several were found in January, but there could be more that have not yet been discovered.  If you are not a full time resident, please make sure you have turned your water off at your customer valve.

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