Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Reminders

Just some quick reminders for you today.  The water district will be closed on Monday, February 22 for President's Day.  However, we always have someone on call for emergencies.   We will be open on Tuesday, February 23 from 9 to 4, as per usual. 

We are expecting snow today.  I have read wildly varying reports though, so I am not sure what is accurate and what isn't.  One report calls for over a foot of snow here in Pine Cove and another one predicts just a few inches.  Hmmmm..... which one to believe.  I don't know, but it is better to be safe than sorry, so I will prepare for the worst and hope for the best. 

No matter what happens, stay safe.  Don't go out and drive in the storm unless it is absolutely necessary.  The older I get, the more I realize that there really is very little that is urgent enough to make me drive in a storm.  In my younger days I didn't think much about it.  I even got stranded once in the middle of a snow storm and it really didn't faze me much.   I got a ride home and the tow truck eventually found my car.  If I had the good sense then that I have now, I would not have even set foot outside that evening.  Live and learn!  As they say, "Youth is wasted on the young", but that is whole 'nother post. 

Luckily, I know better now.  So don't be out driving in the storm unless it is absolutely necessary.  Also if you are off the hill, please wait until the storm has subsided and the roads are cleared before making your way up the hill.

 As always, frozen pipes are a concern when we have the cold temps like we have been experiencing the past few nights.  Make sure all your outside hoses are disconnected.  We have several winterizing tips on the left side of the blog, down the page towards the bottom.  Frozen pipes are never fun, so act now to prevent them.

If you are leaving your mountain home, please turn the water off at your customer valve! 

This is the single most important thing you can do to protect your home while you are away.  January's leaks were proof positive that turning off your water can prevent disastrous leaks from occurring while you are away from your mountain home.  We had two customers experience very large leaks and several others experience smaller leaks.  But a leak is a leak and they are no fun to deal with.  Prevention is easier than the cure in this case.  It only takes a couple minutes.  Just remember as you are leaving to turn off that water valve.

If you do not know where your customer shut off valve is, please call us at 951-659-2675 and we will be happy to come out, during normal business hours, and show you where it is and how to turn it off.  I know we keep reiterating this point and sound like a broken record, but January's leaks just prove our point.  So until everyone complies and turns off their water when they leave, we have to keep singing the same song.

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