Monday, February 28, 2011

Snow and more snow

Well that was quite the storm over the weekend.  How did you make out?  Are you running out of places to pile it up?   I am hoping some of this melts into the ground before we get hit with anymore.  However, it is a nice amount of snow and hopefully we will get even more before winter comes to an end.  Luckily the roads are nice and clear so you can get out and about.  The forecast for the coming week looks fairly nice and some temps as high as the 50's.  That will help some of it start to melt.  This has certainly been and odd winter with a little bit of everything.  Rain, warm temps, dry and snow.  It is hard to tell what is yet to come!
But soon enough, winter will be over and this will all be a distant memory. We will all but forget the cold temps and the huge piles of snow as summer concerts, picnics, hiking, gardening and other warm weather activities take over our lives.  As temperatures rise, we will begin to forget about snow, shovels, boots and trees dripping snow on us as we walk by. 

We are incredibly lucky to be living here in Pine Cove and experience all four seasons.  It keeps life interesting and just as we tire of one season,  it is onto the next.  To everything there is a season and this too shall pass.   As we get ready to go into March, the end of winter can't be far off.  It is about now that I get tired of being indoors all the time and long for the warmer days of spring and summer.

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